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Todas as traduções - fideslux

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Idioma de origem
A solicitação desta tradução é "Somente o Significado".
Inglês immediatly I saw him, I understood that something...
immediatly I saw him, I understood that something was wrong

Traduções completas
Turco Onu görür görmez, bir şeylerin yanlış olduğunu anladım.
Idioma de origem
A solicitação desta tradução é "Somente o Significado".
Inglês Tune into the exciting world of aviation. Listen...
Tune into the exciting world of aviation. Listen to the airlines, big business corporate jets, hotshot military pilots, local private pilots, control towers, and other interesting and fascinating air-band communications. You'll hear planes up to a hundred miles away as well as all local traffic.

The AR1 features smooth varactor tuning of the entire air band from 118 to 136 MHz, effective AGC, superheterodyne circuitry, squelch, convenient 9 volt operation and plenty of speaker volume.

AGC: Automatic gain control

Traduções completas
Turco Tune into the exciting world of aviation. Listen...
Idioma de origem
A solicitação desta tradução é "Somente o Significado".
Inglês we have received a referral for physiotherapy...
we have received a referral for physiotherapy treatment for you. would you therefore please contact us for an appointment in order that a mutually convenient time can be arranged. if we have not heard from you by...14/12/09... we will assume that you no longer require physiotherapy treatment.

Traduções completas
Turco Sizin fizyoterapi tedavisi için başvurunuzu aldık.